
Bakalidou Daphne

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Lab Teaching Staff

Associate Professor

Mrs. Daphne Bakalidou is Associate Professor in Physiotherapy in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of West Attica, of Athens and her scientific field is Neurorehabilitation. She is the Institutional Coordinator for the Disabled at the
University of West Attica and appointed representative at the «Network of communication & Cooperation of the Universities for the disabled» of the Ministry of Education and at the National Accessibility Authority.

She is also the Academic Coordinator of the annual program of a total of 370 hours entitled «Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy» of the Ke.Di.Vi.M of the University of West Attica, as well as the Academic Coordinator and co-author of the E-Learning programs of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, entitled «Physiotherapy in Stroke – Recent approaches in the Field of Rehabilitation” and “Rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries from the acute to chronic phase». She is a member of the Neuromuscular and Cardiovascular Study of Motion Lab – LANECASM and she has been a scientific associate of the B’ Neurological University Clinic of Medicine School of University of Athens, in Attikon Hospital since 2010. In addition, she is the supervisor professor of five PhD candidates. She has participated in two European studies regarding multiple sclerosis and educational physiotherapeutic programs. She is participating in a program funded by ESPA, concerning disability. She graduated from T.E.Ι of Thessaloniki and she holds a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation studies and two Postgraduate Diplomas from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. and the Postgraduate Diplomas are entitled: 1.Postgraduate Diploma in lower Limb Prosthetic Biomechanics and 2. Postgraduate Diploma in lower Limb Orthotic Biomechanics from the National Centre for Training and Education in Prosthetics and Orthotics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. She attended courses at hospitals of U.K such as Hammersmith Hospital, Guy’s Hospital, the Hospitals for Sick Children, as well as Universities such as Giessen, Germany, Charles University of Prague, Prague, Neurorehabilitation clinic, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the Politecnica delle Marche University, Italy and also courses at the European Summer schools on gait and balance rehabilitation in neurological diseases. She holds a PhD from the University of Ioannina( Medical School, Dept of Neurology) entitled “ study of parameters of the chronic fatigue syndrome and the quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients” Main interests: Neurorehabilitation, chronic fatigue syndrome, comorbidities in MS patients, cancer-rehab

She teaches postgraduate programs Master’s degree at the University of West Attica and at the Medical school of the University of Athens and the University of Thessaly. She is a member of the Hellenic Alumni of the Strathclyde University and used to be a member of the Board of directors. She is a member of the Hellenic Association of Physiotherapists and Coordinator of Scientific Section of « Neurological Physical Therapy» from 2016 to 2019. She is also a member of the Hellenic scientific society of Assistive technology.
